Okay... so things suck at the moment... some shit is getting in the way of me wanting to post here... nonetheless... I'm going to try n keep to my commitment. It's a few hours late but here we go...
Gaming at the moment is really slow... there's really not a lot out. I've picked up a number of games and enjoyed them all, but there's no huge titles. Fallout 3 still takes a lot of my time (I can't get away from that one), though I've managed to put it down for a week or so til the next batch of DLC comes out (tomorrow) and then I'll fire it up again. Other than that, I have been playing inFamous, Red Faction: Guerilla, and a few other oldies (Turok, Lego Star Wars, etc) that I picked up in some EB Games sales.
inFamous was a bit of a surprise to be honest. I didn't know whether I was going to get into it much or not, and I thought the gimmick of electricity-based powers would pass quickly. Nonetheless, starved for a new game, I got a hold of it and was pleasantly surprised to find a solid game with a decent amount of content. I know lots of people have played through it in a single sitting, or whinged about the short length, but I actually got into the side-quests. The fact that it frees up areas of the map from enemy control made it worthwhile, and by taking the time to free 100% of the world, the game takes quite a while to complete. On top of that, the story is decent and there's a very nice plot twist at the end (that I wont spoil for anyone). All in all I can strongly recommend any fan of action games, particularly sand-boxing action games, pick it up. The powers are even decently enough varied to keep you keen on them. But the one thing that really made the game amazingly fun for me was one of the side quest varieties... One of the side quests has you racing along rooftops from one point to another, and you do this via grinding along power cables. It's a real ball and you get a lot of speed up and running. Personally, if they were to make multiplayer in this game, I would hope it would take the form of rooftop racing!
Red Faction: Guerilla, my other gaming labour of recent times, also takes the form of a sand-boxing action game, and while it's fun, it's far less likely to appeal to as many people as inFamous. Basically Red Faction comes down to one feature - the destruction (AKA GeoMod). If you get into the destruction factor, like I did, you will love the game. If you don't, there's not much else here really. The multiplayer is decent, but agian, the destruction plays a big part. The story is weak as hell, the shooting mechanics are okay (not amazing) and the missions are fairly repetative. I'd suggest giving it a rent, trying the demo (available on both the Xbox and PS stores) or buying it at EB games (7 day return policy) before deciding to commit to it.
Beyond this, I've acquired the new Worms game on the XBLA, as well as that Habbo: Invasion game (the game where you play a ball witha gun XD)... and there's not much else to report on. I've today bought Bionic Commando... so that will probably be the next post. Til then though, be sure to leave any comments you've got... makes it more interesting when people talk back =). Game on!